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“Lack of engagement in practice produces theoretical hallucinations”

KOMUNA WARSZAWA is an artistic group, currently working in a former school building at ulica Emilii Plater 31, with a structure that’s new for Poland: a community cultural institution. For more than 30 years we’ve been working on theatre, broadly understood – as an open space for various cultural disciplines to mingle and interpenetrate. Our main mission is grassroots support of the development of creative work, and working with the world of culture.

1. Komuna Warszawa (formerly Komuna Otwock) is one of the best-known Polish independent avant-garde theatre companies. Based on original texts, it addresses political and social topics, constantly seeking new forms and means of expression, open to incorporating video installations, dance and live music. Komuna’s shows have been successfully presented in many significant cultural institutions and festivals, including HAU in Berlin, La Mama (New York), 104Centquatre (Paris), SPIELART (Munich), euro-scene (Leipzig), the Edinburgh Fringe, Moscow’s Golden Mask Festival, as well as Tbilisi, Kyiv, Teheran and many cities around Poland.
2. Komuna Warszawa is a production house and stage
Working with guest curators, Komuna Warszawa creates thematic series of performance works that are significant for the development and integration of the cultural scene [RE// MIX (2013–2016), Mikro Teatr (Micro Theatre, 2016–2017), Przed wojną, Wojna, Po wojnie (Pre-war,, War, Post-war, 2016-2018)]. It operates a space where works are created both by mainstream artists and by emerging stars of the Polish theatre, dance and performance scene. Komuna Warszawa is also a place for presenting the achievements of artists from a variety of fields. Many productions that have appeared on Komuna Warszawa’s stage, such as Cezary idzie na wojnę (Cezary Goes to War, dir. C. Tomaszewski), Zrób siebie (Make Yourself, dir. M. Ziółek) and RE//MIX Paradise Now? (dir. G. Laszuk) have won acclaim at festivals, garnering numerous awards.
Komuna Warszawa is also a space for presentations. In cooperation with partners, festivals are held here including Ciało/Umysł, Warsaw Autumn, Avant Art, Ephemera, the Summer Sound Stage concert series and Docs Against Gravity outdoor cinema screenings.
3. Since 2019, Komuna Warszawa has led the innovative interdisciplinary residency programme KW Culture Hub. Every year a guest curator proposes a theme for the season and carries out a residency. Artists selected in an open competition and invited by the curator create six works to premiere over the year. Previous curators have been Weronika Szczawińska (Landscape, 2019), and Tim Etchells / Marta Keil / Grzegorz Reske (Common Ground, 2020).
The 2021 curator is Markus Öhrn, who has proposed the idiom HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND. In 2022 the guest curator will be Anna Smolar (Hard love), and the competition for the next residents will be announced in December 2021.

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